
We believe in the power of prayer! Join us for one of our available times of prayer or share a prayer request.
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Need Prayer?

Call 905-335-8172. We can pray with you privately; add your prayer to our prayer chain of over 100 trusted prayer warriors, and/or share with our intercessory Prayer group. Confidentiality is of utmost importance. (Note: phone is monitored during office hours 8:30AM-4:30PM Monday to Friday excluding holidays)

"Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful oh heart. " Colossians 4:2

Times of Prayer

1) SUNDAY Pre-service prayer starts at 8:45am and ends at 9:25am in the Social Centre

2) The monthly prayer meeting meets periodically on the first Saturday of the month, typically @7:30pm in the Student Centre, find out more at

3) The daily prayer meeting is at 8:45pm-10pm although the Zoom platform is opened at 8:30pm Monday to Friday except when there is prayer school on Wednesday. To join in, please send an email to requesting access to the Zoom meeting

4) The weekly Men’s prayer meeting is on Tuesdays 7-8 am in the Social Centre

5) The weekly intercessory prayer meeting is every Friday at 1:00-2:30 pm in the Social Centre


Please pray for our pastors and board members and their families, mission partners, political leaders, and those serving in the military.


The prayer chain is 100+ members of the GT family who receive email notifications of prayer requests.

You can submit a prayer request online or by contacting the church office by calling 905.335.8172 or emailing