
Leading & Inspiring Families Together, LIFT Kids is GT’s Family Life Ministry for children 0 - Grade 5. Partnering with parents, our goal is to help develop spiritually strong children and families. Join us for Sunday morning programs, midweek childcare, family events, and more!
Meeting times
Leading & Inspiring Families Together

Sunday mornings

We invite children to worship, learn, and play with us on Sundays during all services.

LIFT Kids (Grades 1-5), Lil' LIFT (Preschool & JK/SK),and Nursery programming are offered for all morning services.

Children with Exceptionalities program is offered during the 10:00 am service on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month, so please register your child with us.*If your child needs additional care, if you wish to discuss your child's participation in other activities, or for further information, please contact our Family Life Team.

We can't wait to see you! Contact us at


Children's Programs

We are privileged to have the opportunity to lead kids closer to Jesus when we study God’s Word together, spend time in worship and have a whole lot of fun with friends!

We run childcare during midweek Grow Nights, a Biblical Worldview Course for Kids, Day Camps, a week of Summer Camp, and more to help your kids grow closer to God and one another.


Family Events

We believe that parents are the primary spiritual influence in the lives of their children and because of this, our goal is to come alongside parents to support, encourage and resource them. Join us for Parenthood Cafés, family events, Play Café, midweek programs, and more offered throughout the school year.

Visit our Events page or scroll to the bottom to see what's coming up next in LIFT Kids!

Ongoing Programs:

Midweek Grow Nights & Childcare

Childcare will be available for kids grades JK - Grade 5 alongside Midweek Grow Nights on Wednesday nights. Kids will enjoy fun activities, games, crafts, and gym time together.

Play Café

Parents with young children (ages 0-3) are invited to our Play Café hosted at Glad Tidings Church!

Nursery & Preschool rooms will be open for unsupervised play and time connecting with other parents.

Join us on Wednesdays from 9am-11am and invite your friends too!

Children with Exceptionalities

Register HERE!

GT Homeschool Connect Group

Open to families homeschooling their children and wanting to be part of a community of fun, learning, and connection with other homeschooling families in our church and community!

Children must be accompanied by a parent.

Contact to find out more.

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Kirsten Crundwell
Family Life Pastor
I love rock climbing, outdoor adventures, and good food! I've attended Glad Tidings since I was in grade 5, and after I graduated from Master's Bible College, I came right back to join the staff team and oversee the school-age programming among others!
Tish Faith
Family Life Pastor
I have the special privilege of overseeing our LIFT KIDS preschool ministries (ages 0-5), our program for children with exceptionalities, and assist in creating opportunities for young families to connect. I partner with Pastor Kirsten for our family and kids’ events plus I support the GT family as we compassionately engage with our local community.
Frequently Asked Questions

Things people often want to know

We know there are a few questions that are on everyone's mind. But if you don't see an answer to your question below, please feel free to reach out!
Where do I go when I arrive with my kids on a Sunday morning?
If it's your FIRST TIME checking in your kids with us, please come upstairs to the Kids’ Welcome Centre where one of our team members in a red LIFT shirt will be happy to help you get checked in for the first time! For RETURNING families: Nursery attendees will check-in at the Check-In desk located in the Nursery downstairs. LIFT Kids (Grades 1-5) and Lil' LIFT (Preschool & JK/SK) attendees may come upstairs and check-in at one of our Check-In Stations. Children with Exceptionalities are asked to please register in advance ( and then check-in at the Kids’ Welcome Centre
What can we expect on a Family Sunday?
We love having kids in the main service with us a few times a year for Family Sundays at GT! We know that it can be challenging, but believe Family Sunday is an opportunity for us to model to our kids what it means to belong to a church, worship Jesus, and hear the Word and be encouraged by it. On Family Sundays, only Nursery & Preschool rooms are open, and kids JK and up will join you in the Worship Centre for service. Kids can serve on our junior worship or greeting teams by signing up the week before in kids' church. Family Sunday will be announced the week before so you can come prepared, but we'll also provide a kids' activity book and pencil to help them engage in the service.
How do I find out more about ongoing programs, events, or resources?
We send out monthly emails to families including information on upcoming programs and events, our teaching series overview and parent devotional, and multiple resources to equip you as parents. We also have an Instagram account, Facebook group, and YouTube channel for LIFT families to stay connected and involved.
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Looking for more information?

We'd be happy to connect and answer any additional questions!
Don't hesitate to reach out and learn more.
Upcoming Events

Want to know what's going on?

With so much going on we don't want you to miss out! Make sure to check out all of our upcoming events. If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch by contacting us.

Summer Camp 2025

Summer Camp July 14-18, 2025 - Registration opens Monday, February 10th at 9AM!
July 14, 2025

Play Café

Nursery + Preschool rooms will be open! Join us on Wednesdays from 9-11am

Children with Exceptionalities

Offered during the 10:00 am service on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month.