Sunday Morning Services

At GT, we are committed to creating spaces where people can encounter Jesus and experience His transformative power. Through worship, ministry, and daily life, we invite the Holy Spirit to shape us into a people rooted in faith and hope. By following the Way of Jesus, we join His mission to make disciples and bring renewal to our communities, living as co-laborers in God’s story of redemption.
Pastor in-charge
Tim Woodcock
Meeting times
Sunday Mornings at 8:30AM, 10:00AM, and 11:45AM

Come As You Are

Sunday mornings are a time set apart to worship God, grow in faith, and be reminded of His presence in our lives. Whether you’ve been attending church for years or are just beginning to seek Him, you are welcome here. God invites us to come as we are, bringing our joys, struggles, and questions before Him. There’s no need to worry about appearances—whether you’re most comfortable in casual clothes or something more formal, what matters is the heart you bring to worship.

Worshiping God Together

Our services begin with a time of worship through music, lifting our voices and hearts to glorify God. This is a sacred time to focus on Him, offering praise for His goodness and faithfulness. Through a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary songs, we aim to create an atmosphere where every person can draw closer to God and experience His presence.

A Community United in Christ

Our church is a family of believers from over 70 nations, brought together by a shared faith in Jesus Christ. While we value community and connection, our ultimate goal is to grow together in our walk with God. This diversity reminds us of the beauty of God’s creation and His love for all people. As we gather, we encourage one another to seek Him more deeply and reflect His love to the world.

Rooted in Scripture, Focused on God

Each Sunday’s message is drawn from God’s Word, with the aim of guiding us toward a deeper understanding of His truth and how it applies to our lives. Our pastors emphasize the authority of Scripture, teaching in a way that challenges, encourages, and equips us to live in obedience and faithfulness to Him.

A Place to Encounter God

Above all, our church is a place to encounter the living God. Whether you’re seeking answers, peace, or simply a moment to draw near to Him, we invite you to join us in worship. Come as you are, and experience the joy of gathering as God’s people to honor and glorify His name.

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Tim Woodcock
Lead Pastor
It is my heart to pastor the incredible people that call GT home with conviction and care. I have a strong desire to see the church equipped with a deep understanding of God’s Word and their identity as Sons and Daughters in the Kingdom rule and reign of Jesus. I still believe that the church universal is God’s plan in accomplishing His mission in the world.
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