We have our own Sunday services offered at 10:00 and 11:45 am each Sunday! It's a blast so bring your Sunday best (smile and hype).
Thursday nights run from 7:00 - 9:00 pm for both Fuse and Flipside students (unless stated otherwise).
Our meetings are exciting, energetic, and fun; including games, events, practical messages on life & Jesus, small group discussions, and a chance to form great friendships!
Cell phone use: We know cellphones and technology are all around us and important to everyday life but we've noticed an increase of phone use and social media use during our youth nights that has been very distracting to many of our students. We encourage you to discuss with your child what responsible phone use at church looks like so they don't miss some of the great opportunities to build connections with other students, as well as what God might be wanting to speak to them through worship or the message!
Kick-off is a fun event that is planned to kick off our fall and new school year here at GT Student Ministries. Make sure you wear running shoes and some active clothes and get ready for some fun competition of physical games and intellectual games!
Serve Nights:
At GT Student Ministries we believe that it is important to get involved in our community serving the people of Burlington. During our serve nights, each small group will partner with a different not-for-profit in the city of Burlington and spend the night serving with their small group! Registration coming soon!
SOSO Party (School's Out Summer's On):
School's Out Summer's On Party is an event to celebrate the end of each school year together with lots of outdoor games, colour wars and a bonfire to end the night! It is usually off-site, so make sure to register ahead of time and invite a friend.
If you haven't already make sure to sign up for text alerts, this will be very helpful as we head into our summer small group night so we can message you exactly where we will be meeting the day of and let you know quickly if weather changes. Text Alerts: Text "FLIPSIDE" to 514-900-0130 for Flipside messages.
Follow us on Instagram for real live updates! @flipsidejrhigh