Next Steps

LIFE is a Journey

We are committed to exploring life together,
following the way of Jesus,
and living Spirit-filled lives.

What's next for you?

For everyone who asks, receives.
Everyone who seeks, finds.
And to everyone who knocks,
the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:8

Care & Support

Whether you are facing a challenging season or persistent difficulty and you are ready to take some practical steps towards sustainability, we want to help.
Let us Help

I'm New

New to the GTBurlington or New to Faith in Jesus... you are welcome here. People here are Real, we are imperfect people striving to live better, and share life beyond!
Let's get started


If you are new, curious, questioning or returning to faith, Alpha is a great place for you to start. Come as you are and explore life and faith.
Sign up now


Water Baptism is a beautiful expression of faith, a chance to publicly show our decision to follow Jesus. "From Death to Life!" (BTW: Jesus told us to get Baptized.)
Take the plunge

Life Groups

Life Groups at GTBurlington Small groups are not a program of the church, they are the Life of the church.‍ There is no better place to be
Join a Group

Legacy College

At Legacy College we explore Biblical Theology and the dynamics of Practical Ministry, while fostering a journey of personal spiritual formation.
Visit Our Website

Join a Team

Faith is about doing and at GTBurlington there are so many incredible ways to serve others, make church happen and ultimately serve Jesus!
Register Here...

Focus Groups

Life Electives is all about deeper learning and growing in our faith. The truth is: there is always something new to learn from God and from the scriptures.
Go Deeper

Family Commissioning

A family commissioning is a public commitment made before God and your church. It’s about parents devoting themselves to raising their children in the guidance of the Lord.
Bring them in!